Thursday, January 19, 2012

A True Example

Have you ever had someone who has changed your life and continues to do so? Who is your hero? Who is someone you look up to, and someone you want to be like when you grow up? I have one of those people! His name is MATT BAREFIELD!! I have no idea where i would be in life without him! We may be always giving each other crap, and arguing about stupid things but i truly care about him! He is someone who even when I am 80 years old i will still care about him! I have been having one of the hardest times in my life, and i know that if i ever need someone to ramble to, need to know someone is there, or need advise I know he is there! Pretty much no matter what he is always right! I hate it more than anything to admit that he is right, but every single piece of advise he has given me has helped me in someway. I know that is always helps because he knows and cares about me. I will never ever in my life repay be able to repay him. He has no idea how he has changed my life... I have tried to tell him 1,000 times...but he never seems to understand! Everyday I look to him for strength to get through high school. I always know that if I am having a bad day he can make me smile :) People always are telling me how horrible i am and how i am not worth it... I never feel unwanted when i am around barefield. If i am unwanted he never lets me know. I am not going to lie... high school has demolished my confidence, just put it through the shredder... but as soon as I see barefield i get a small piece of it back. When I am around him I know that it is okay to be myself because he accepts me for me. Everyone calls me CAZY for missing middle school and wanting to go back all the time... but what they don't understand is that 8th grade has been the best year of my life. Mr. Barefield changed my life and that besides home that is the only place that I feel important, and wanted and that i am worth someones time. Sometimes i feel like a huge BURDEN to Mr. B because I need his help, and he is really busy all the time. He knows that I need him right now. The hardest thing is that sometimes i feel like i just need HIS attention. But when i get it I don't know where to start. So badly i just want to break down and cry, and tell him that high school is horrible and that I hate it. But i really try to be strong and put on good face. I think he can see through it but i don't know.... Everyone said I was ready for high school but ! just don't think i was.. The only way I know i a going to get through this year is to stay close to Mr.B and hope that he will always care enough about me to stay involved in my life. The truth is I don't know where i would be this year without Barefield. I don't know how I will ever ever pay him back. He is an amazing example to me, and I'm truly grateful that he is apart of my life.

-C Bair

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